Monday, October 11, 2010

So Thankful

Following through with my “Thanksgiving Time Capsule” idea, I sat down with my daughter this afternoon, crayon and paper in hand, and asked her what she is thankful for. At just 21 months of age, I wasn’t certain that she quite had a handle on what “thankful” even meant. But she happily rattled off a list for me, naming with great animation the things that her little heart loves. Here are the things that my little one told me she is thankful for this Thanksgiving Day – and the response of my own heart to her very sweet reply.
Mommy, I am Thankful for…
(And Mommy is thankful too, my little one, for all the memories we are still to make)
Monkeys, Dinosaurs and Dora
(And Mommy too, for the smiles they bring to your little face)
Mommy Carry You and Nighty Night
(Oh how I love to cuddle you, and tuck you into bed)
Zebra, Birdie, and Moo Cow
(And for the trip we took to the zoo the other day, just the two of us)
(And I for you, my baby girl)

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